The Sixth Sense

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 The Sixth Sense
There is no other film which depicts the existence of ghosts more accurately than The Sixth Sense.

I remember seeing this film for the first time very well. It was my 17th birthday and I invited all my closest friends around to my house to hang out, then we went to the movies and saw a film which had already been dubbed a classic after a week of release and apparently had a twist ending which no one would dare reveal because it was too good.

When we walked out of the film at the end, the 8 of us tried to figure out what had just happened. Then after that weekend, back at school we continued to debate what it meant and finally came to the realisation that Bruce Willis' character was a ghost.

When I first saw this movie it scared the hell out of me, and not in a terrified sort of way, but it scared me with the truth. It was so real and clear in its depiction of ghosts and how to know when one is around you. For a little while afterwards, when I would be home alone, I would get funny feelings in my house. I was living in an old house at the time, and in my family's past there have been several spooky encounters. My mum has the "sixth sense" and has seen spirits on many occasions, and even once or twice in the house we were living in at that time.

So when I was home alone at night (my dad at work, my mum and sisters at dancing class) I tried to get along with my evening activities, but I had a feeling there were ghosts around me. That movie just made it so simple and true, as laid out by the young boy (so famously and brilliantly played by Haley Joel Osment - where is he now?) that ghosts were all around us, and you could feel when they were in the same room as you, breathing down your neck, making your neck hairs stand and leaving a cold chill in the room

These days, I'm not so afraid anymore and I view The Sixth Sense as a beautifully made film, with excellent performances and an extremely well-crafted story with the best twist since "The Crying Game". The big suprise as well as that Bruce Willis proved he could really act. Up until this film, he had starred in an assortment of action films and so-so comedies... but in this turn, he did a great job.

It also reminds me that not all ghosts are out to scare us at night, like they've been portrayed as so many times in film and television, but they are just lost and wandering souls, who sometimes have unfinished business and need us to do something so they can go onto the next world in peace.

I believe that we who are still alive are their heaven. 

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