Superman Returns

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 Superman Returns

I love the whole myth about Superman. I am a fan of the films starring Christopher Reeves, and I was a big fan of the very 90's TV adaptation "Lois and Clarke: The New Adventures of Superman". Hell, I even liked the short lived "Superboy" series. I haven't gotten into "Smallville" yet mainly because it treats Superman in a teen soap-drama context and that doesn't appeal to me.

This new film by director Bryan Singer was alright in my books. I thought young Brandon Routh was very well cast and resembled Christopher Reeves in a few ways, more so in his depiction of Clarke Kent than Superman. Routh really made Superman his own here. Not as a man or boy, but somewhere in between. A character caught between that transitional stage between preparing to be man and finally becoming one.

There wasn't as much action as I was hoping for and I think many movie goers felt that way, but once I saw the whole film I knew that they made this movie with at least two sequels in mind. The best is yet to come in those terms. Same goes with the characters and their development. Lex Luther didn't get enough screen time or enough opportunities to show his really sneaky evilness. Kevin Spacey played him well though, and I found his performance was a combination of Lester Burnham from American Beauty and Kesier Soze from The Usual Suspects.

I liked the whole "returning" aspect to the story as well. It didn't focus on origin too much which means that it has happened already and may be referred to in future sequels. In the film, Superman comes back after a 5 year hiatus, but I wanted to know what happened before he disappeared. Something more than we were told about occurred between the Man of Steel and Lois Lane and that is evident in one of the supporting characters. I won't reveal that suprise but I found it to be quite a pleasant plot twist that occurred just over half way through the picture.

How did this film leave me feeling afterwards? I wasn't blown away but I was suprised. It was a refreshing look on the Superman story and I really do believe the best is yet to come. Superman is timeless and appeals to many different generations on many different contexts. Just look at all the different version of him there have been.

Hey, maybe they'll remake the little known "Supergirl" movie of the 80's. Does anyone remember that little gem?

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