Scary Movie 4

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 Scary Movie 4
There was a time in the mid ‘00’s when mainstream movies struggled to make the box office returns that the past few years had generated, and that was because of several reasons; unoriginal material, piracy and the fact that people just didn’t want to sit in a movie theatre anymore. I believe cinema attendance is back up again, but around 2005/2006 it was at an all-time low. People were asking themselves “Why get dressed up, go out and sit in a theatre when you can have virtually the same experience at home in your pajamas with a flat screen TV, surround sound and a DVD player?"
Well I say SHAME on all you people. Have we really forgotten what watching movies is all about? It's about escape, about laughing, cheering, crying or sitting on the edge of your seat in a dark theatre, amongst total strangers but feeling connected to them through sharing a good viewing experience.

In 2006, I went and saw “Scary Movie 4”  with my sister on a public holiday, so of course the theatre was packed, mostly by kids and teens that were making the most of their day off from school. The session I went to was almost full and I had one of the best times at the movies since seeing “The Nutty Professor” ten years earlier. The roaring laughter coming from everybody inside the theatre, really made for a fun movie experience, included with a large popcorn and Coke!

So what I'm stressing to all you people who like to buy pirated movies and brag about it to everyone else, is STOP! Do you know how many people have lost their jobs in the film industry because of piracy? Breaking into that business is near impossible, and although most people who do so are driven by either money, fame, the good life or just the buzz of making movies, they are making movies for us. They allow us to escape the dark and unpredictable times we live in, turn off the brain and rise above the limits of reality by living through the characters on screen for a couple of hours. 

“Scary Movie 4” is a prime example of this. It takes the Mickey out of Pop Culture and makes it accessible for all, and like I said there is no better way to experience a movie then in a theatre with lots of people you don't know. At the end, you'll walk out smiling, inspired or changed and everyone around you is feeling the same thing. How cool is that?

Now, isn't that more tempting than watching a poor quality movie on a burnt disc purchased from a street market that when you buy it, is known to fund terrorism? I rest my case.

Oh, and Scary Movie 4 is very, very, very funny. That's why it's my favourite Spoof film, and I apologise to anyone reading this who wanted a detailed review of the film... 

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